
Commuter rail should be fast-tracked in Arizona

As someone who drives almost 45 miles round trip from the West Valley into downtown Phoenix every day for work, I was all ears when I heard an National Public Radio report yesterday about yet another study to determine whether a passenger rail between Tucson and Phoenix would be viable. Because of my commute from Glendale to Phoenix, I have plenty of time to listen to the radio, and while my interest doesn’t lay specifically with a possible Tucson-Phoenix route, it’s more about what it could mean for commuter rail elsewhere across the state. I’m from Chicago, so I know how important and valuable public transportation is. I took it every day from the south suburbs down to the Magnificent Mile. It was efficient, inexpensive to ride (and gas was only about $1.30 a gallon then), and gave me about two hours of every weekday back. I highly recommend it.

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